And now, back by popular demand, actual photography.


The staff at Sun Printing isn't just any old staff, so theyre not getting just any old staff photos. I love companies that have the stones to do something a little different. Here's a little peek at a couple of the portraits coming out of the photo-shoot today in beautiful Wausau, Wisconsin. These are for their new website, which let me tell you is going to be sweet (they showed me the top secret files, I can't say more or they'd have to kill me). Needless to say, it's going to be a little more light hearted than the previous version. It's been awesome to work with the folks in their creative department to plan and pull off this shoot. Lots of great ideas bouncing around the room. Watch for more in the next couple days.


Sun Printing Stop-Motion.

The good people at Sun Printing in Wausau finished up the final editing on this stop-motion video we started working on together last month. This started as more than 3,000 still frames and got pieced together into this little film. I shot most of the stills and put them together into raw footage and then the creative department at Sun did the heavy lifting of trimming those clips into a great little story. I love it. Well done, team. Well done.


I had a great day yesterday working on a photo project with the good people at Sun Printing in Wausau, Wisconsin. Completely separate from the main project, I grabbed these images of some of their letterpress equipment while I was there. I'll be honest, I only have a vague clue what half these things are or what they actually do, but they look really cool. I'm not going to kid myself and pretend that I'm going to start letterpressing anything, but in another life I think I could have been way into this stuff. It's got all kinds of great little parts and widgets and gears and stuff. It's probably also tedious, so I suspect that I'm way better off leaving it as a romantic, artistic notion than a real life dissappointment. Either way, it makes for some cool photos. Thanks to Craig Bieri for being the human lightstand for these images; you, sir, can hold an umbrella with the best of them, and don't let anyone tell you otherwise.

Craig Bieri-artist, designer, human lightstand

Bright Sunshiny Day.


We had beautiful weather yesterday evening for a senior portrait shoot with Allison and Andrea. Instead of booking each of their sessions separately, these two decided to do their shoots together split over two days, so we have more photos tonight too. Yesterday, we drove down to Mason, Wisconsin, to find some locations out in the country. It was a bit of a haul, but we found some great spots and the sunlight was perfect. Aside from a new hatch of mosquitoes it was a great shoot. Keep your eyes peeled for more in the next few days.